It finally rained. The weather could not be better, if anything it is a little chilly at times. I spent many days in the past wishing it would rain. I don't plan on complaining about the rain any time soon, except for all the mud that gets tracked into my truck.
The mud here is an incredibly sticky substance. It seems to be part clay and dirt mixed, in many places not absorbing into the ground and creating a sort of slush. The atmosphere has become remarkably clear and easier to breath.
Soon we will be moving to Meade. We are all looking forward to finally getting set up and settled in. The unit that is housing us is very receptive and seem happy to have us around. If anything, our time on the road and exposure will be greatly reduced.
We now find ourselves needing to add more time to our visits to the IA brigade. It seems that most of the time when we arrive to the brigade there is a surprise, another cache. This is a very good thing, keeping the weapons out of the hands of bad guys. We need to add more time to allow EOD to come out and confiscate the bombs. The weapons (such as the machine gun) usually go to the Iraqi Army for some purpose or another.
I gave some candy to my IA counterparts and tried to explain Halloween to them. It is perhaps one of my favorite holidays and they seemed amused by the concept. One of the Jundi ran off with the candy and hoarded it. Go figure.
We got two new members on our team, we now total 16. Bond and Puma joined us on Friday giving us five interpreters. These two guys, natives of Iraq, are very easy going and easily fit in with us. Don't expect to see any pictures of them though.
Enjoy the pictures.
Hi Honey, It must be nice having rain after so much dry and dusty everything. The explosives are scary - one has to wonder what type of people can do that? And in the name of God? I'm glad the Jundis are doing such a great job of ferreting out this lethal garbage.
Only 8 of your pics came through on the blog. Bottom 2-3 pics were just lines with text beneath. (There were supposed to be more, right?)
Happy Halloween to you and the other Jedi Knights.
Stay safe. You're loved and missed.
Lovely sunrise/sunset. I enjoy the pictures. You have a good eye.
Good day love! You take some great photos. I hope your upcoming move is as easy as it can be. :) Then again, we all know the military!
Hope the get the boxes soon!
Hello Greg,
I hope all is well on your side of the world. Things are cooling off here...snow is expected in the forecast...YUCK. Dalton is doing great, you would really be surprised as to how big he has gotten and how much more he is talking. Daniel has really made a difference in his life. Spencer and him both are so smart. It's easy to underestimate them. Not sure if Dana told you or not about the ring I picked out. Daniel and I are becoming closer and closer. I see myself going through some things that you and Dana did. I can't wait to see you, and have you meet Daniel. Well I got to go, have to cook dinner. Be safe as always.
I've been reading Major Brott's and Captain Connaroe's entries. You guys have been busy! I'll be interested to see your take on all the recent events you've been experiencing.
You're doing a great job over there. I hope and pray that you all remain safe.
Love, Mom
Tomorrow is Veterans Day.
You qualify.
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