Today we once again visited the new IA Brigade Headquarters. The impression we got today was far worse than our initial impression last week, made worse by the possibility of moving to live with them. Think of your worst living conditions ever, take away consistent electricity, AC, and running water. Then add smell the smell of rotting trash, feces and sweat. Personally I was only able to talk to a few of the soldiers and the overall problem confirms what we have been told already: the supply system is the thing that needs fixing the most. An old soldier told me things were better before, when Sadam was in charge.
The priority on the camp seems to be making the BDE commander more comfortable instead of making slight improvements for the soldiers. The one construction project on the facility was focused on the HQ and living quarters. There seems to be little value for the common soldier. The idea for corrective punishment of soldiers is to place them in a holding cell, basically a prison. It doesn't seem wise to me, since these guys carry around an AK-47; nothing scarier than an armed, disgruntled soldier.
Our goal is to advice and mentor these guys, but it seems to me the best thing we can do now is keep them patient, remind them it's a new brigade, and "inshallah," god willing, things will get better. Even though we aren't supposed to supply them with anything, we might need to show some good faith, or make something big happen soon or we will not have much respect for our job from them.
Yesterday we made the trip up to Biap, Camp Victory, or "mega FOB" to drop off half of the outgoing team. Where did all that money go? Anyway, when I was here in 2003-04 I thought Camp Victory had some class and a historical feel to it. This trip, 4 1/2 years later, left me feeling a little disgusted with what has become of the place. The place has become a hugemongous monster FOB, with t-walls everywhere and nothing nice about it. I was further disgusted when sitting outside the IAG (Iraqi Assistance Group) headquarters next to the gym. Time and again people would pull up to the gym parking lot in a large SUV, or a large size van, just to go to the gym instead of walking or running there. Yes, it was hot, but the abuse or misappropriation of funds and resources is astonishing.
Yes, not much good to talk about this post. I apologize for that. Hopefully, inshallah, I'll have some more positive news or entertaining stories on my next post.
Hold down the homefront for us...
The priority on the camp seems to be making the BDE commander more comfortable instead of making slight improvements for the soldiers. The one construction project on the facility was focused on the HQ and living quarters. There seems to be little value for the common soldier. The idea for corrective punishment of soldiers is to place them in a holding cell, basically a prison. It doesn't seem wise to me, since these guys carry around an AK-47; nothing scarier than an armed, disgruntled soldier.
Our goal is to advice and mentor these guys, but it seems to me the best thing we can do now is keep them patient, remind them it's a new brigade, and "inshallah," god willing, things will get better. Even though we aren't supposed to supply them with anything, we might need to show some good faith, or make something big happen soon or we will not have much respect for our job from them.
Yesterday we made the trip up to Biap, Camp Victory, or "mega FOB" to drop off half of the outgoing team. Where did all that money go? Anyway, when I was here in 2003-04 I thought Camp Victory had some class and a historical feel to it. This trip, 4 1/2 years later, left me feeling a little disgusted with what has become of the place. The place has become a hugemongous monster FOB, with t-walls everywhere and nothing nice about it. I was further disgusted when sitting outside the IAG (Iraqi Assistance Group) headquarters next to the gym. Time and again people would pull up to the gym parking lot in a large SUV, or a large size van, just to go to the gym instead of walking or running there. Yes, it was hot, but the abuse or misappropriation of funds and resources is astonishing.
Yes, not much good to talk about this post. I apologize for that. Hopefully, inshallah, I'll have some more positive news or entertaining stories on my next post.
Hold down the homefront for us...
Sounds like you all have quite a lot of work ahead under difficult conditions. But you guys will figure it out, after you've been there a while. Focus on what you can do. Ignore the rest.
Good advise from anonymous. You kow all the money went somewhere. It seems, also, that a wonderful thing you're doing is giving the common Iraqi soldier some dignity - if nothing else, then by your example. Sad to hear things were better under Saddam, but that's probably just for SOME people.
What's an FOB?
I'm proud of you. Scared for you. Stay safe. Love you.
I hope you don't have to move closer, that would really suck. That is sad that the commander is worried about himself more than his soldiers. I really do hope things get better for them. I do agree with you, nothing scarier than an armed disgruntle soldier. Stay safe, we love and miss you lots.
Dawn, Dalton, and Dan
Hey Bro, Sounds like you're in for a up hill battle. Kind of gives new meaning to 3rd world country. On the positive side you get to drive that really cool Humvee! Really, what is that anyway? Austin is really enjoying hearing from you. Thanks for that. Hang in there. Mike
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