Welcome back.
There is a lot going on here, as usual. Yesterday we went out to Mustang to finish building our t-wall compound. The IA had been busy, unfortunately they hadn't included us in their plans. We aren't sure if they don't trust us yet or aren't coordinated enough yet to be able to include us. Anyway, when we arrived we found out that they had gotten a tip about someone intending to place an IED. The 4th photo above is a 152 round, which was by itself.
After EOD arrived, the IA rolled up with a new find. A tip led them to the weapons cache (last two photos) above. We are once again proud af our IA bubbas for getting their job done.
The first photo is of an antiaircraft gun, a DSKA (?), which was also found with the 152 round.
The walls are finished on our compound finally. The only thing left with that is to plug up some corners with sandbags and have the gate put in. However, we are far from being finished. There are still many things to be done before we can move in. Yes, we may have to use wag bags at first... Guess what a wag bag is. Okay, I'll tell you, we will use them to go #2, then we throw them in the burn pit with our trash. It does rankle me a little to see all the trash thrown in a burn pit, only to add to the poor air quality and stink everything up, but there is little else to be done.
The other photo above, of the Humvee is from one of our recent "joint missions." This particular mission was to go retrieve a large fuel tank for the IA. One of our other joint missions was to take the IA to retrieve some wood from another patrol base. During our trip, the IA frequently throw trash out their vehicles, adding to the endless view of debris everywhere.
Many if not all of us feel that the IA only view us as a checkbook, not here to help them function, but here to give them things. But there is a positive side, Mustang is looking better and they are starting to do more to improve their camp. The improvements only seem to come when the CO is leave however... I must say, we will all be slightly amused if/when the IA Brigade is forced to move.
We hope we won't have to move anywhere other than Mustang. Vanderhorn is way out in the boonies, a long, bumpy drive made miserable by the MRAPs.
Well, enough for now, I'm never in need of something to do. Hold down the home front for us...
1 comment:
WoW!!! I'm so grateful to the IA for finding the cache of big explosives. I hope they can keep up the good job. Whatever they find protects you guys. You've got to be setting a good example for them and it sounds like its beginning to come through... pride in their surroundings and a job well done is impetus for continued improvement. Stay safe, Honey, you're loved and missed here.
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