Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Captain (then) Wentworth savors his turkey while SFC Parker looks around for something else to consume.
This pair are the newly acquired working dogs here at Meade. Both are beautiful dogs, which make me miss my own. We wanted to accidentally adopt a mascot, but there is a strict, no dog policy here. For the best I guess, it would be hard to knowingly leave one of my friends here.

Remember this guy? He was the one previously in agony from his teeth. Abu Amir as I like to call him, he is one of my favorite IA soldiers and one I actually look forward to seeing. Here he is demonstrating to me how they make the bread that they eat with every meal.

Yet another magnificent structure under coalition control. Supposedly coalition troops are no longer to be occupying territory in cities by June, 2008.

Wow, what is going on here? Are they really polluting their own atmosphere? Nope, that's coming from Mega-Fob Victory. Not a daily thing, but not pretty either.

Welcome to my humble abode. I still have it better than most. Our supply guys spoil us. Yes, that's a fly strip. It's nearly full.

This little philly was brought over to our side by the 1st BN commander's brother, part of his personal security detachment. The horse was apparently gift from someone to the commander...

She bites and she kicks. But she really likes apples. She wanted me to keep her, but as you can see from my humble abode, there isn't much room for a horse. The guy leading her is the colonel's brother, part of his PSD, which is a trend. While we are the MiTT for the Brigade, our compound is connected to the Brigade's 1st Battalion.

Happy Thanks Giving! Let me catch you up.

Col. Maruade, the 55 IA Brigade Cdr, is no longer the commander. We now have an interim commander, Col Rasheed, who is filling in for the incoming Cdr, Col Abdulah. Col Rasheed is a man of action, we are glad to see an IA commander concerned with more than his own well-being. We are eager to meet Col Abdulah and see how well he commands his brigade.

Since we have been here at COP Meade, our trips outside the "wire" have been greatly reduced; mileage and time. Spare time, however, has been dedicated to improving our new compound. Those pictures are yet to come. Our reduced time on the road came just in time, in spite of the protests of the signing of the SOFA between the US and Iraq.,8599,1862660,00.html

Holidays away from home are no fun for anyone. Thanksgiving with the team was not quite as enjoyable as it would have been with my family. We spent some time in line to get some turkey and fixings, which the Dfac here at Meade did a great job preparing. Unfortunately I only got a small piece of Turkey. During our dinner, I found out the hard way why not to tell anyone who would remember anything about my birthday. Near the end of dinner, the team started belting out "happy birthday" to me at the top of their lungs. I must say, it was quite embarrassing.

I know it's not easy for any of the family members who have us deployed. I feel worse for my wife who enjoys the holidays more than I do, and my kids who aren't being spoiled by the holidays as I was growing up.

Having said all that, I'm most thankful for my family. Starting with my wife, Dana, Shelby, Spencer, my Mom, Dad, Mike, and of course the rest of the people whom I hold dear, I'm sure they all know who they are. Hopefully one day I'll be able to move back home when all is said and done... And thanks for the cookies and bread, Angela, Aunt Rose, and Nicole :) ( I didn't see the cards until we had consumed all the goods)

Well, I have another post planned, so keep in touch. Until then, hold down the homefront for us...


cheryl said...

Hi Honey, thanks SO much for posting! I'm glad to see that you're doing ok, would like some more pictures of you. You were missed greatly over Thanksgiving, and I know Christmas will be all that much harder. Your tour's up in, what, 7 months? Until then, stay safe.
Love, Mom
PS: What will the colonel do with his new little Appaloosa filly? She is pretty. So are the dogs. But you know me - they'd be on my bed with me in two seconds!:)

cheryl said...

Grandma says she loves you and she enjoys your posts too!
Love, Mom