Sunday, August 24, 2008

Leaving Phoenix Academy

Welcome Back,

The past week has been a blur of briefings and presentations. It has actually been quite redundant and actually a little bit lame. Yes, there were some important things that we learned, or relearned like some of the radio systems and Blue Force Tracker (BFT). Some will disagree. Over all I think there needs to be some link up with the training at Fort Riley to keep from wasting so much time.

From here Team Jedi will head to FOB Falcon. Likely another joyous Chinook ride. At least this time it will just be our team instead of 19 other people crammed in the back. There remains the possibility that we will get a pair of Blackhawks instead... Guess which I would prefer. We will do our RIP/TOA with the outgoing MiTT for about ten days (ok, another acronym... lets see if I get this one right: Relief in Place/Transfer of Authority). The transition between the two teams will consist of property book stuff, lots and lots of inventory. I think the thing we are looking forward to is a place to stay for more than a few days or weeks, and our Max Pro's... our MRAP's. See the link on MRAP's.

I did mention a place to stay for more than a few days or weeks, that is until we move with our new IA brigade where we will as of now get to live in conex boxes. That will be the low in our quality of life declining, unless we find ourselves living out of our MRAP's. So far we will get to have our own rooms, with two exceptions of those who don't mind a battle buddy living with them since we only get 9 rooms, but have 11 people. Any quality of life questions? Anyone want to see pictures?

Last night we got to go on a PX, or post exchange run. This is an opportunity to resupply our day to day items and get electronics and such. They were wrong, it is not a good PX. But they did have pt shorts.

Well, I realized I haven't posted any pictures of a few people on the team, so look for them in a few days. Also, we all on the team love care packages and mail, so I think I might post our address, what do you think?

Thanks for checking in!


Anonymous said...

Hey! Of course we want the address! How else will I send COOKIES!?! Let me know of any other stuff you need and can't get there.
What are conex boxes? What do they look like? Living in an MRAP sounds like a government-approved bag lady type thing. Mike says you're going from place to place to in one place then moving on to the next?
Well, anyway, stay safe. You're loved and missed at this part of the world.

Anonymous said...

Yep, please post the pics when you get them. Of course I'm spreading your site around. I'm very proud of what you do there. Fred also got a huge kick out of Abu-Shelby. Love and miss you.

Anonymous said...

Please post a list of favorite
cookies by team member name. Also need a list of no No's, like choc marshmallows which might not do well at 105 degrees. This info is requested by OCM (Operation Cookie Monster). Thanks for keeping us safe.
Code Name UB (as in Uncle Bill)

Anonymous said...

If Dalton, Dan, and I get your address I will send somethings for you. I really like this blog, keeps everyone updated on how you are doing. Of course you are in our prayers.

Dawn and Dalton

Greg Murrell said...

Hi anonymous, mom, I'll post the address. Conex boxes are big storage units, used to ship goods, you often see them on the back of trucks. They are often used for international shipping. We won't be moving that much, we hope. We do have one big move, and I plan to have our destination prepared.

Greg Murrell said...

Thank you UB, we appreciate any support. I plan on posting our address and a few criteria. Thanks again.